Sunday, October 3, 2010

Eagles as Yard Birds...

Would that I could...

Don't they sound sweet? Hard to realize they're some three-feet tall!

I am building a pond that serves as a bird-feeder, ya know! [grinz]

Somehow I imagine the biggest bird I'll entice is a Belted Kingfisher...known around these parts! Wouldn't it be neat if I got another, bigger bird; some heron, or perhaps an egret for example? Please ducks or geese; I got those in Denver...not so nice is such a small pond.


Jen Sanford said...

Wow that's a lot of eagles!!

JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...


Katie (Nature ID) said...

Is this your video or something you found on YouTube?

Beverly said...

Sorry, I thought I made it clear that I like the idea and wish I could entice Eagles...but no, it's from Alaska; I'm in Colorado. It really is amazing, isn't it.

I get hundreds of Rosy-Finches ...does that count?