Yard-bird List - Monthly

Back to just before 2009
( F or  *  = Flyover)

 July 2012

Western Wood-Pewee, Great Blue Heron, Yellow Warbler, Bullock's Oriole, Broad-tailed Hummingbird, Black-chinned Hummingbird, Calliope Hummingbird, Rufous Hummingbird, Gray Catbird,Western Tanager, swallow species*, American Robin, Common Grackle, Belted Kingfisher, Cassin's Finch, Turkey VultureLesser Goldfinch (green- and black-backed), Northern Flicker: Red-shafted, Common Raven, Evening Grosbeak, Black-headed Grosbeak, American Crow, Black-capped Chickadee, White-breasted Nuthatch, American Goldfinch, Pine Siskin, Black-billed Magpie, Red-winged Blackbird, House Finch, European Starling, House Sparrow, Eurasian Collared-Dove

June 2012 

Western Wood-Pewee, Yellow-billed Cuckoo, Yellow Warbler, Bullock's Oriole, Broad-tailed Hummingbird, Black-chinned HummingbirdCassin's Finch, Turkey Vulture, Common Grackle, Lesser Goldfinch (green- and black-backed), swallow species*, Yellow Warbler, Black-headed Grosbeak, American Robin, Western Tanager, Northern Flicker: Red-shafted, Common Raven, Evening Grosbeak, American Crow, Black-capped Chickadee, White-breasted Nuthatch, American Goldfinch, Pine Siskin, Black-billed Magpie, Red-winged Blackbird, House Finch, European Starling, House Sparrow, Eurasian Collared-Dove

May 2012

Common Nighthawk*, Western Wood-Pewee, Great Blue Heron, Yellow Warbler, Bullock's Oriole, Broad-tailed Hummingbird, Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Black-chinned Hummingbird, Bullock's Oriole, Belted Kingfisher, Black-headed Grosbeak, Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Yellow-headed Blackbird, Indigo Bunting, Western TanagerTurkey Vulture, Common Grackle, Lesser Goldfinch (green- and black-backed), Cassin's Finch, Northern Flicker: Red-shafted, Common Raven, Evening Grosbeak, Brown-headed Cowbird, American Crow, Spotted Towhee, American Robin, Black-capped Chickadee, White-breasted Nuthatch, American Goldfinch, Pine Siskin, Black-billed Magpie, Red-winged Blackbird, House Finch, European Starling, House Sparrow, Eurasian Collared-Dove  

April 2012

Bullock's Oriole, Broad-tailed Hummingbird, Scott's Oriole, Black-chinned Hummingbird, Belted Kingfisher, Cassin's Finch, Spotted Towhee, Yellow-headed Blackbird, Brown-capped Rosy-Finch, Great-tailed Grackle, Turkey Vulture, Common GrackleDowny Woodpecker, Lesser Goldfinch (green- and black-backed), Dark-eyed Junco (Slate-colored, Oregon, Pink-sided, Gray-headed & Cassiar), Mountain Chickadee, Northern Flicker: Red-shafted, Common Raven, Blue Jay, Evening Grosbeak, American Crow, Black-capped Chickadee, White-breasted Nuthatch, American Goldfinch, Pine Siskin, Black-billed Magpie, Red-winged Blackbird, House Finch, European Starling, House Sparrow, Eurasian Collared-Dove

March 2012

February 2012

January 2012

December 2011

November 2011

October 2011

September 2011

August 2011

July 2011

June 2011

 May 2011

April 2011

March 2011

February 2011

January 2011

December 2010

Black Rosy-Finch, Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch, Brown-capped Rosy-Finch, White-throated Sparrow, Red-tailed Hawk pair, Cassin's Finch, Chipping Sparrow, Mourning Dove, Common Raven, White-breasted Nuthatch, European Starling, American Crow, Downy Woodpecker, Red-winged Blackbird, American Goldfinch, Dark-eyed Junco, Slate-colored, Pink Sided, Gray Headed, Oregon,, White-winged Dove, Blue Jay, Hairy Woodpecker, Mountain Chickadee, Evening Grosbeak, Pine Siskin, Common Grackle, American Robin, Black-capped Chickadee, Northern Flicker: Red-shafted, Black-billed Magpie, House Finch, House Sparrow, Eurasian Collared-Dove

November 2010

Mourning Dove, Common Raven, Ducks *, Cassin's Finch, Red-winged Blackbird, White-breasted Nuthatch, Sandhill Cranes *, European Starling, Lesser Goldfinch, Downy Woodpecker, American Goldfinch, Dark-eyed Junco, Slate-colored, Pink Sided, White-winged Dove, Blue Jay, Canada Geese *, Hairy Woodpecker, Mountain Chickadee, Evening Grosbeak, Pine Siskin, Common Grackle, American Robin, Black-capped Chickadee, Northern Flicker: Red-shafted, Black-billed Magpie, House Finch, House Sparrow, Eurasian Collared-Dove

October 2010

American Goldfinch, Great Horned Owl, Dark-eyed Junco, Slate-colored, Pink Sided, Red-breasted Nuthatch, Lesser Goldfinch, White-winged Dove, Common Raven *, Yellow-rumped Warbler, Blue Jay, Canada Geese *, Hairy Woodpecker, Belted Kingfisher *, Mountain Chickadee, Evening Grosbeak, Pine Siskin, Black-chinned Hummingbird, Broad-tailed Hummingbird, Common Grackle, Turkey Vulture, Red-winged Blackbird, American Robin, Black-capped Chickadee, Northern Flicker: Red-shafted, Black-billed Magpie, House Finch, House Sparrow, Eurasian Collared-Dove

September 2010

Yellow-rumped Warbler, Blue Jay, Canada Geese * Brewer's Blackbirds, Violet-green Swallow *, Western Wood-Pewee, Hairy Woodpecker, Western Tanager, Orange-crowned Warbler, Belted Kingfisher *, Cooper's Hawk, Wilson's Warbler, Common Raven, Eastern Phoebe, Mountain Chickadee, White-breasted Nuthatch, Evening Grosbeak, Common Nighthawk *, Gray Catbird, Rufous Hummingbird, Black-chinned Hummingbird, Broad-tailed Hummingbird, Common Grackle, Turkey Vulture, Pine Siskins, Red-winged Blackbird, American Robin, Black-capped Chickadee, Northern Flicker: Red-shafted, Black-billed Magpie, House Finch, House Sparrow, Eurasian Collared-Dove

August 2010

Mountain Chickadee, Canada Geese *, Cassin's Finch, White-breasted Nuthatch, Evening Grosbeak, Gray Catbird, Common Nighthawk *, White-winged Dove, Mourning Dove, Calliope Hummingbird, Rufous Hummingbird, Yellow Warbler, Western Wood-Pewee, Black-headed Grosbeak, Black-chinned Hummingbird, Broad-tailed Hummingbird, Common Grackle, Turkey Vulture, Pine Siskins, Red-winged Blackbird, American Robin, American Goldfinch, Black-capped Chickadee, Northern Flicker: Red-shafted, Black-billed Magpie, House Finch, House Sparrow, Eurasian Collared-Dove

July 2010

Calliope Hummingbird, Gray Catbird, Black Phoebe, Rufous Hummingbird, Yellow Warbler, Lesser Goldfinch (Black- and Green-backed), Western Wood-Pewee, Common Nighthawk, Black-headed Grosbeak, Black-chinned Hummingbird, Bullock's Oriole, Broad-tailed Hummingbird, White-winged Dove, Common Grackle, Turkey Vulture, Pine Siskins, Red-winged Blackbird, American Robin, American Goldfinch, White-breasted Nuthatch, Mountain Chickadee, Hairy Woodpecker, Black-capped Chickadee, Northern Flicker: Red-shafted, Downy Woodpecker, Black-billed Magpie, House Finch, European Starling, House Sparrow, Eurasian Collared-Dove

June 2010

Yellow Warbler, Lesser Goldfinch, Cassin's Finch, Western Wood-Pewee, Common Nighthawk*, Western Tanager, Black-headed Grosbeak, Black-chinned Hummingbird, Bullock's Oriole, Broad-tailed Hummingbird, White-winged Dove, Brown-headed Cowbird, Violet-green Swallows *, Great-tailed Grackle, Common Grackle, Turkey Vulture, Pine Siskins, Red-winged Blackbird, American Robin, Evening Grosbeak, Blue Jay, American Crow, American Goldfinch, White-breasted Nuthatch, Mountain Chickadee, Hairy Woodpecker, Black-capped Chickadee, Northern Flicker: Red-shafted, Downy Woodpecker, Black-billed Magpie, House Finch, European Starling, House Sparrow, Eurasian Collared-Dove

May 2010

Common Nighthawk *, Western Wood-Pewee, House Wren, Indigo Bunting, Cassin's Finch, Lesser Goldfinch, Yellow Warbler, Mourning Dove, Western Tanager, Chipping Sparrow, White-crowned Sparrow, Black Phoebe, Lazuli Bunting, Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Black-headed Grosbeak, Brown-capped Rosy-Finch, Yellow-headed Blackbird, Black-chinned Hummingbird, Bullock's Oriole, Broad-tailed Hummingbird, White-winged Dove, Brown-headed Cowbird, Violet-green Swallows *, Yellow-rumped Warbler - Audubon's, Great-tailed Grackle, Common Grackle, Red-breasted Nuthatch, Turkey Vulture, Song Sparrow, Pine Siskins, Red-winged Blackbird, American Robin, Evening Grosbeak, Blue Jay, American Crow, American Goldfinch, White-breasted Nuthatch, Mountain Chickadee, Hairy Woodpecker, Black-capped Chickadee, Northern Flicker: Red-shafted, Downy Woodpecker, House Finch, Black-billed Magpie, European Starling, House Sparrow, Eurasian Collared-Dove

April 2010 included 46 birds

Yellow-headed Blackbird, Black-chinned Hummingbird, Bullock's Oriole, Broad-tailed Hummingbird, Cassin's Finch, Mallard *, Brown-headed Cowbird, Chipping Sparrow, Violet-green Swallows *, Yellow-rumped Warbler - Audubon's, Great-tailed Grackle, Lesser Goldfinch - Black-backed, Red-tailed Hawk, Canada Geese *, Northern Pintail *, Gadwall *, Great Blue Heron *, Common Grackle, Red-breasted Nuthatch, Belted Kingfisher *, Turkey Vulture, Song Sparrow, Pine Siskins, Common Raven, Red-winged Blackbird, American Robin, Evening Grosbeak, Black Rosy-Finch, Brown-capped Rosy-Finch, Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch, Blue Jay, American Crow, White-winged Dove, American Goldfinch, White-breasted Nuthatch, Mountain Chickadee, Hairy Woodpecker, Black-capped Chickadee, Northern Flicker - Red + Yellow-shafted, Downy Woodpecker, Dark-eyed Junco, House Finch, Black-billed Magpie, European Starling, House Sparrow, Eurasian Collared-Dove ( * = Flyover )

March 2010

Belted Kingfisher, Turkey Vulture, Red-tailed Hawk, Song Sparrow, Western Scrub Jay, Western Meadowlark, Great Horned Owl, Pine Siskins, Common Raven, Red-winged Blackbird, American Robin, Lewis's Woodpecker, Cassin's Finch, Evening Grosbeak, Black Rosy-Finch, Brown-capped Rosy-Finch, Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch, Blue Jay, American Crow, White-winged Dove, American Goldfinch, White-breasted Nuthatch, Mountain Chickadee, Hairy Woodpecker, Black-capped Chickadee, Dark-eyed Junco, House Finch, Northern Flicker - Red-shafted, Downy Woodpecker, Black-billed Magpie, European Starling, House Sparrow, Eurasian Collared-Dove.

February 2010

Pine Siskins, Red-winged Blackbird, Western Scrub-Jay, Cooper's Hawk, Brewer's Blackbird, Song Sparrow, Sharp-shinned Hawk, Common Raven, American Robin, Lewis's Woodpecker, Cassin's Finch, Evening Grosbeak, Black Rosy-Finch, Brown-capped Rosy-Finch, Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch, Blue Jay, American Crow, White-winged Dove, American Goldfinch, White-breasted Nuthatch, Mountain Chickadee, Hairy Woodpecker, Black-capped Chickadee, Dark-eyed Junco, House Finch, Northern Flicker - Red-shafted, Downy Woodpecker, Black-billed Magpie, European Starling, House Sparrow, Eurasian Collared-Dove.

January 2010

Lewis's Woodpecker, Cassin's Finch, Evening Grosbeak, Red-winged Blackbird, Black Rosy-Finch, Brown-capped Rosy-Finch, Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch, Brown Creeper, Blue Jay, Common Raven, American Crow, White-winged Dove, American Goldfinch, White-breasted Nuthatch, Mountain Chickadee, Hairy Woodpecker, Black-capped Chickadee, Dark-eyed Junco, House Finch, Northern Flicker - Red-shafted, Downy Woodpecker, Black-billed Magpie, European Starling, House Sparrow, Eurasian Collared-Dove

December 2009
Brown Creeper, Blue Jay, Red-tailed Hawk-Dark Morph, Sharp-shinned Hawk, Song Sparrow, Common Raven, American Crow, Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch, Brown-capped Rosy-Finch, Black Rosy-Finch, Evening Grosbeak, White-winged Dove, Lesser Goldfinch, American Goldfinch, White-breasted Nuthatch, Pine Siskin, Mountain Chickadee, Hairy Woodpecker, Black-capped Chickadee, Dark-eyed Junco, Red-winged Blackbird, House Finch, Common Grackle, Northern Flicker - Red-shafted, Downy Woodpecker, Black-billed Magpie, European Starling, House Sparrow, Eurasian Collared-Dove

November 2009

Sharp-shinned Hawk, White-crowned Sparrow, White-throated Sparrow, Evening Grosbeak, Common Raven, Blue Jay, American Crow, White-winged Dove, American Goldfinch, Lesser Goldfinch, White-breasted Nuthatch, Pine Siskin, Mountain Chickadee, Hairy Woodpecker, Black-capped Chickadee, Dark-eyed Junco, Red-winged Blackbird, House Finch, Common Grackle, American Robin, Northern Flicker - Red-shafted, Downy Woodpecker, Black-billed Magpie, European Starling, House Sparrow, Eurasian Collared-Dove

October 2009

White-throated Sparrow, White-winged Dove, Hermit Thrush, American Crow, Brewer's Blackbird, American Goldfinch, Lesser Goldfinch, Dark-eyed Junco, Pine Siskin, White-crowned Sparrow, Mountain Chickadee, Hairy Woodpecker, Black-capped Chickadee, White-breasted Nuthatch, Broad-tailed Hummingbird, Common Grackle, Turkey Vulture, American Robin, Red-winged Blackbird, European Starling, Northern Flicker - Red-shafted, Downy Woodpecker, Black-billed Magpie, Eurasian Collared-Dove, House Finch and House Sparrow

September 2009

Yellow Warbler, Evening Grosbeak, White-breasted Nuthatch, Hairy Woodpecker, Black-capped Chickadee, Broad-tailed Hummingbird, Common Grackle, Turkey Vulture, American Robin, Red-winged Blackbird, European Starling, Northern Flicker - Red-shafted, Downy Woodpecker, Black-billed Magpie, House Sparrow, Pine Siskin, House Finch - red, yellow and orange variants, Eurasian Collared-Dove

August 2009

Bullock's Oriole, White-winged Dove, Evening Grosbeak, Western_Wood-Pewee, Calliope Hummingbird, White-breasted Nuthatch, Rufus Hummingbird, Mourning Dove, Lesser Goldfinch (black- and green-backed), Hairy Woodpecker, Black-headed Grosbeak, Black-capped Chickadee, Black-chinned Hummingbird, Broad-tailed Hummingbird, Common Grackle, Turkey Vulture, American Robin, Red-winged Blackbird, European Starling, Northern Flicker - Red-shafted, Downy Woodpecker, Black-billed Magpie, House Sparrow, American Goldfinch, Pine Siskin, House Finch - red, yellow and orange variants, Eurasian Collared-Dove

July 2009

Mountain Chickadee, Evening Grosbeak, Western_Wood-Pewee, White-winged Dove (yeah, she's back), Calliope Hummingbird, White-breasted Nuthatch, Rufus Hummingbird, Mourning Dove, Great Blue Heron *, Lesser Goldfinch (black- & green-backed), Bullock's Oriole, Hairy Woodpecker, Black-headed Grosbeak, Black-capped Chickadee, Black-chinned Hummingbird, Broad-tailed Hummingbird, Common Grackle, Turkey Vulture, American Robin, Red-winged Blackbird, European Starling, Northern Flicker - Red-shafted, Downy Woodpecker, Black-billed Magpie, House Sparrow, American Goldfinch, Pine Siskin, House Finch - red, yellow and orange variants, Eurasian Collared-Dove

June 2009

White-winged Dove, Great Blue Heron*, Mourning Dove, Lesser Goldfinch (black- & green-backed), Bullock's Oriole, Hairy Woodpecker, Black-headed Grosbeak, Black-chinned Hummingbird, Broad-tailed Hummingbird, Black-capped Chickadee, Common Grackle, Turkey Vulture, American Robin, Red-winged Blackbird, Brown-headed Cowbird, European Starling, Northern Flicker - Red-shafted, Downy Woodpecker, Black-billed Magpie, House Sparrow, American Goldfinch, Pine Siskin, House Finch - red, yellow and orange variants, Eurasian Collared-Dove. (* = Flyover)

May, 2009

White-winged Dove, Mourning Dove, Cooper's Hawk, Baltimore Oriole, Indigo Bunting, Western Tanager, Great-tailed Grackle, Lesser Goldfinch (black-backed), Bullock's Oriole, Hairy Woodpecker, Sharp-shinned Hawk, Black-headed Grosbeak, Lazuli Bunting, Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Black-chinned Hummingbird, Broad-tailed Hummingbird, Brown-headed Cowbird, Common Grackle, Turkey Vulture, Evening Grosbeak, American Robin, American Crow, Red-winged Blackbird, Blue Jay, Common Raven, European Starling, Northern Flicker - Red-shafted, Downy Woodpecker, Black-headed Chickadee, Black-billed Magpie, House Sparrow, American Goldfinch, Pine Siskin, House Finch - red, yellow and orange variants, Eurasian Collared-Dove

April 2009

Black-headed Grosbeak, Lazuli Bunting, Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Black-chinned Hummingbird, Broad-tailed Hummingbird, Mourning Dove, Chipping Sparrow, White-crowned Sparrow, Brown-headed Cowbird, Cooper's Hawk, Yellow-headed Blackbird, Cassin's Finch, Common Grackle, Turkey Vulture, Evening Grosbeak, Hairy Woodpecker, American Robin, American Crow, Red-winged Blackbird, Blue Jay, Common Raven, European Starling, Northern Flicker - Red-shafted, Downy Woodpecker, Black-headed Chickadee, Black-billed Magpie, House Sparrow, American Goldfinch, Pine Siskin, Dark-eyed Junco - Oregon, Pink-sided, Slate and Gray-headed, House Finch - red, yellow and orange variants, Eurasian Collared-Dove

March 2009

White-throated Sparrow - tan , Hawk (Ferruginous?), Common Grackle , Turkey Vulture , Evening Grosbeak , Yellow-headed Blackbird , Hairy Woodpecker , American Robin , American Crow , Red-winged Blackbird , Blue Jay , Common Raven , European Starling , Northern Flicker - Red-shafted , Downy Woodpecker , Black-headed Chickadee , Black-billed Magpie , House Sparrow , American Goldfinch , Pine Siskin , Dark-eyed Junco - Oregon, Pink-sided, Slate and Gray-headed , House Finch - red, yellow and orange variants , Eurasian Collared-Dove

February 2009

White-throated Sparrow - tan variant, (which I discussed here) Rock Pigeon - Checkered variant (dark), American Crow, Red-winged Blackbird, Blue Jay, Common Raven, Hairy Woodpecker, European Starling, Northern Flicker - Red-shafted, Downy Woodpecker, Mountain Chickadee, Black-billed Magpie, House Sparrow, American Goldfinch, Pine Siskin, Dark-eyed Junco - Oregon, Pink-sided, Slate and Gray-headed, House Finch - red, yellow and orange variants, White-winged Dove, Eurasian Collared-Dove

January 2009

Common Raven, European Starling, Great Horned Owl, American Crow, Brown-capped Rosy-Finch, House Sparrow, Mountain Chickadee, White-throated Sparrow, Hairy Woodpecker, Northern Flicker - Red-shafted, White-winged Dove, Downy Woodpecker, Dark-eyed Junco - Oregon, Pink-sided, Slate and Gray-headed, Pine Siskin, Blue Jay, American Goldfinch, Eurasian Collared-Dove, House Finch - red, yellow and orange variants, Black-billed Magpie

2008 - pieced together from blog. It's not a complete list.

December 2008 (not complete)

American Robin, White-breasted Nuthatch, Cooper's Hawk, Northern Flicker - Red-shafted, White-winged Dove, European Starling, Common Raven, Mountain Chickadee, Gray-crowned Rosy-finch, American Crow, Chipping Sparrow, Red-tailed Hawk, Red-winged Blackbird, Hairy Woodpecker, Song Sparrow, Downy Woodpecker, Dark-eyed Junco - Oregon, Pink-sided, Slate and Gray-headed, Pine Siskin, Blue Jay, American Goldfinch, Eurasian Collared-Dove, White-winged Dove, House Finch - red, yellow and orange variants, Black-billed Magpie, House Sparrow.

October 08 (not complete)

Black-billed Magpie, Great Horned Owl,

August 2008 (not complete)

Eurasian Collared-Doves, European Starlings, House Finch, hummingbird,

Evening Grosbeaks, Black-headed Grosbeaks, Bullock's Orioles, Hairy Woodpecker
Common Grackles, Red-winged Black-birds, European Starlings,

July 2008 (not complete)

White-breasted Nuthatch feeding babies, the House Finches have brought more than one brood, and the Pine Siskins have suddenly exploded in numbers as have both the American and Lesser Goldfinch, Yellow Warbler. Even the Bullock’s Orioles have young here…pale males still developing their beautiful black markings are easy to spot as youngsters, though they look sleek and stunning already. The pair of Black-headed Grosbeaks that have been around from time to time have returned more often of late…with young birds in tow; again, the deep color and black head-dressing still developing on the young males. The other day I saw several Downy Woodpeckers visit together and suspect they, too, are a new family come to visit. Hairy Woodpecker, even the tiny Chickadees are coming with their parents and learning to pick-a-seed-and-fly.
Broad-tail, Black-chinned, Calliope and Rufus Hummingbirds (30-50 at a time), Western-Wood Pewee, Evening Grosbeaks (>25), Black-headed Grosbeaks (~20)

June 2008 (not complete)

Lesser Goldfinch, Western Wood-Pewee, Black-billed Magpie, Black-headed Grosbeak, Evening Grosbeaks (by the dozens), Broad-tailed, Black-chinned, Calliope and Rufus Hummingbirds,
Several pairs of Bullock's Orioles less and less, and the Evening Grosbeaks have been gone for a couple weeks now. I do see the occasional Black-headed Gb from time to time and for some odd reason the American Goldfinches are back again…perhaps with newly fledged young? They all look so yellow! When they left, I began seeing Lesser Goldfinch, an adult White-breasted Nuthatch feeding begging chicks, Hairy and Downy Woodpeckers, Pine Siskins, House Finches, American Robins, Common Grackles, Turkey Vultures

May 2008 (not complete)

White-breasted Nuthatch, 2-3, Black-capped Chickadee, 2-3, Mountain Chickadee, 1-2, Pine Siskin, 12+, Cassin’s Finch, 2-3, House Finch, 3-4, House Sparrow, 1-2, White-crowned Sparrow, 1-2, Dark-eyed Juncos, 1 (down from 25+), American Redstart, 1-N, American Goldfinch, 5-6, Lesser Goldfinch, 1-2-N, Yellow Warbler, 3-4-N, Broad-tailed and Black-chinned Hummingbird 4-5-N, Calliope Hummingbird, 1 (possibly…awaiting judgment)-N, Evening Grosbeaks, 24+, Black-headed Grosbeaks, 12+, Rose-breasted Grosbeaks, 2-3, American Robin, 3-4, Lazuli Bunting, 3-4-N, Western Tanager, 4-5-N, Bullock’s Oriole, 4-5-N, Mourning Doves, 2-3, Eurasian Collared Doves, 36+ (down from 50+), Downy Woodpecker, 2-3, Hairy Woodpeckers, 2-3, Northern Flicker, 1-2, Red-winged Blackbird, 50 (down from 100+), Yellow-headed Blackbird, 1-2 (down from 6-8) , Brown-headed Cowbird, 3-4 (down from 12+), Common Grackle, 4-5, Great-tailed Grackle, 1-2, European Starling, 6-8-N, Black-billed Magpie, 1-2, American Crow, 6-8, Common Raven, 3-4, Turkey Vulture, 15-20, Canada Goose, 6-8-F, Great Blue Heron, 2-F, Black-crowned Night-heron, 1
And one bedraggled raptor of some sort, so soggy in the rain it missed its strike. I’m sure it didn’t feel up to snuff and certainly didn’t want to pose for the camera!

April 2008(not complete)

White-crowned Sparrow, Rose-breasted Grosbeak
Turkey Vultures, Eurasian Collared-Doves, Red-winged Blackbirds, Yellow-headed Blackbirds, Grackles, Red-tailed Hawk, Swainson's Hawk,

March 2008(not complete)

Dozens of Dark-eyed, Slate, and Oregon, Pink-sided and Gray-headed Juncos (the white-winged or ones with white wing-bars were not to be seen today)A couple Black-capped Chickadees (Mtn. Chickas must be in the Mountains!)Bunches of Pine Siskin, several many American Goldfinch
Perhaps six Gray-crowned and maybe a couple Brown-capped Rosy Finch and at least one Black Rosy-finch (I call them Pink-butts)
Lots of House Finches, half-dozen Cassin’s Finch, One or two House Sparrows
One or two what I think are Savannah Sparrows (they have yellow cheeks)
2-3 Downy Woodpeckers, 2-3 Hairy Woodpeckers
A couple dozen Eurasian Collared Doves, About a hundred Red-winged Blackbirds, Two American Crows, many European Starlings, Common Grackles and Great-tailed Grackles
Generally I also see 2-3 White-breasted Nuthatch, a dozen Evening Grosbeak, several Purple Finches, American Robins, Black-billed Magpies, Northern Flickers
Swainson's Hawk

February 2008 - My very first posts and the beginning of my birdwatching!

White-breasted Nuthatch, Black-capped Chickadee, Mountain Chickadee, and every manner of Junco Dark-eyed Junco, Slate, Oregon, Pink Sided, Gray-headed, and White-winged Juncos.
Pine Siskin, Lawrence's Goldfinch, Lesser Goldfinch, Black Rosy Finch, Grey Crowned Rosy Finch, Brown-capped Rosy-finch, House Finch, Cassin's Finch, Purple Finch
...and the lovely Evening Grosbeaks. Who knew they had teal beaks in breeding season?
Black Phoebe, Chipping or Song Sparrow, Mourning and Eurasian Collared Doves
Downy Woodpecker, Hairy Woodpecker, Northern Flicker, Stellar's Jay
Red-winged Blackbirds, Common Grackles, American Crow and Common Raven abound.
Great-horned Owl, Cooper's Hawk, Red-tailed Hawk, Sandhill Cranes *

F  or  *  = Flyover