I'm working on a woodpecker series, but also intend to continue the Corvid series with Magpies, Ravens and Crows...but first I have to count birds for a bit!
Enjoy your weekend!
Rural Chatter from La Veta...nestled against the Southern Rockies; a blog dedicated to the natural world...particularly birding and native gardening to attract birds, bees & butterflies.
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Thanks for catching that, Bill! Isn't that a lovely bird, though?
What a gorgeous blue! My brother told me he sometimes sees the Steller's Jay in northern California too. I would love to see one someday.
Very pretty! I think the jay I saw was all Sellar's, though it had more noticeable banding in the blue parts. I saw it my now-gone maple, the morning it came down. First time I'd seen a Stellar's in town. Kind of a bittersweet send-off for the tree.
I get the Stellars Jays all the time at my feeder. They are so much fun to watch. I put peanuts in the feeder tray and they will pick them up and drop them until they find the heaviest peanut. Really fun birds to watch.
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